Synthetic oil - better for your car than ordinary oil

Today's consumer is faced with a bewildering array of choices when it comes to choosing motor oil for their car ?; a look into the driveway of the local auto parts store engine oil shows anywhere from tens of different brands and viscosity weights. Then there is the choice to choose the classical petroleum oil, a semi-synthetic (synthetic oil mixture) or any one of a number or brands of full synthetic motor oil.synthetic motor oil came first to the attention of motorists in 1972 when Amsoil Inc. introduced the first fully synthetic motor oil to meet the certification requirements of American Petroleum Institute and with it, the confusion started !Faced with the dilemma of choosing a less expensive conventional petroleum oil or sometimes much more expensive full synthetic engine oil many motorists found themselves just asking what you actually get for your money with synthetic oil more expensive complete?First, what is the problem with the old proven regular oil anyway?petroleum oil has served us well for a century so what's the real benefit to synthetic oil?The answer to this question is the status of the protection of art and performance, and more level of protection and performance is more important each year.modern engines and smaller fuel efficient drive trains pump more power and torque through smaller, lighter components virtually every new model year.engines of today, often with several cams, valves and turbo do more horse power less cubic inches of displacement than ever before. Add to that the requirements to meet the emission standards with new and more complex equipment to control the pollution that many of today's engines hold only half the amount of engine oil that 20 years engines only necessary, and you see a whole new level of demand placed on motor oil.automotive engineers are increasingly extensive, the design of new drive trains around synthetic oil for many reasons.Because modern motor hold less oil, but the more stress with higher operating temperature oil, designers powertrain found many advantages with synthetic lubricants such as a wide range of operating temperatures. At high temperatures that would oxidative conventional oil and shear (lose viscosity) with mud Meanwhile, varnish and wear this cause, engineers have found that synthetic motor oils work clean and fresh. In fact PAO synthetic oils (polyalphaolifin) based on high quality dissipate heat more rapidly than petroleum oil and will actually lower operating temperatures 20 to 50 degrees.This fact was not lost on the engineers who were designing the Chevrolet Corvette a few years ago. Chevrolet came with a really super high performance engine for the new Vette.The problem? When installed in the narrow confines of the engine compartment of the new Corvette, new central Chevrolet ran an acceptably high-temperature oil. The only answer was to install a large oil cooler. Un-fortunately, there was no place in the new car to place an oil cooler without a big overhaul of the engine space; something that would cost time and money on the project and also ruin the new aerodynamic cars carefully regulated.The answer? Chevrolet's engineers have found that the use of synthetic motor oil has dropped significantly the temperature of the engine oil. Rather than oil cooler was not necessary!At very low temperatures which have oil gelling and oil become thick and hard pumping, synthetic oils flow through tight clearances "of modern engines easily eliminating the poor and the oil pressure wear at startup when the highest percentage of mechanical wear occurs.oil well designed synthetic engine also has more than ten times the film strength of a conventional petroleum oil making it well suited for demanding high performance and heavy duty applications. It prevents metal to metal contact and wear off increased pressures than conventional oil could ever manage.Finally, we simply can not ignore the real cost savings synthetic oil provides fuel economy improvements. In any given viscosity, oils high quality synthetic engine reduce friction and drag enough to improve fuel economy, often by as much as 3% to 8%. For a car driving 15,000 miles per year annual savings in fuel costs alone is sometimes more than the cost of a change to synthetic oil.Throw in the comfort of a lot longer than the standard change interval with a product such as emptying of synthetic motor oils Amsoil that allow up to one year or 25,000 mile drain intervals suddenly synthetic motor oil is much less expensive than regular oil!synthetic oils offer, performance, protection against wear, the benefits of fuel economy and convenience far ahead of what you get with fossil oil. All these reasons add up to why "factory filled" with synthetic oil is increasingly common and why you should consider a high-grade synthetic for your vehicle.
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