Dos and Don'ts of using Cruise Control

Dos and Don'ts of using Cruise Control -

It is an American tradition - highway cruising, the blaring radio and the windows rolled down to enjoy hot and sunny day. Except when you are going to hit the cruise control to maintain your speed, nothing happens. The cruise is not working, even if it was just another good week. What can go wrong with a cruise control button? In reality, there are many things that can go wrong, like any other electrical system on the car you drive. How you treat the cruise control button will determine much of how your system works in the future.

For people driving on the road a lot, they might just leave the cruise control knob set on all the time. This way, whenever they feel the need to adjust the speed, they just flip a button and it is on. But this habit can be damaging to the cruise because it is always on and at hand. Be still and not used may relate to the mechanisms of control.

Another habit people have with cruise control is stepping on the brakes to disengage the speed control instead of turning it off. Is the safest method that activation of the system or disable the controls? The answer depends on who you ask. Conservatives mechanics say that if you engage the gear again as soon as the person in front of you moves, then it is fine. It is easier and faster to hit CV as turning off the system, start all over again.

Other mechanics say tapping the brakes can carry on a system. Just a little bit. The systems are so advanced these days, however, it would take a lot of start and stop causing all sorts of wear on a system. The cars are built with great features that are meant to last for the life of the car and cruise control is one of them.

If the cruise control does not seem to speed or engage, then it might be worth taking in a motor workshop. There might be a disconnected wire or a short in the system that requires an easy to obtain and run again. Cruise control is a great feature to have so worth the expense for repair your car. You never know when, but with the speed setpoint may prevent you from getting a ticket because you know where the speed is set and can concentrate on the road and not the speedometer!

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